
Sunday, January 12, 2014

St. Augustine

St. Augustine 2014 on PhotoPeach

Our trip to St. Augustine was a memorable one. The weather was perfect and our tours were very informative. Here are a few FUN FACTS that we learned while there:

1) The Castillo cannons could shoot a cannon ball a distance of about 3 1/2 miles.

2) The Catholic Cross where Pedro Menendez first arrived in St. Augustine is 208 feet tall. If it were any taller, it would need a red light to be visible to airplanes!

 3) The oldest resident of St. Augustine is "Old Senator"- very large oak tree.

4) The Lightner Museum used to be one of Henry Flagler's hotels- there used to be a large indoor pool in there that measured 150 feet by 60 feet. (What was the area of this pool?)

 5) St. Augustine marks the beginning of the Trail of Tears (which we will learn more about later this year).

Students, what other FUN FACTS can you remember? Leave a comment to tell us something interesting that you learned and you will earn $5 behavior bucks!


  1. There was a hotel built by a person who was jealous of Henry Flager and he had only 3 people living there and Henry Flagler bought it from him

  2. I learned that when Henry Flagler was really famous A man got really jealous and decided to build a hotel like him but not that many people stayed in the hotel-Rutaj P. :)


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