
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Welcome to Wild Adventures in 4th Grade!

Welcome to fourth grade at Chets Creek Elementary!

This year, we will use this site to keep students and their families informed about all of our academic units of study, classroom happenings, schoolwide events, and much more.  Before we get too far, we'd like to take a moment to show you a few features of our blog.

In order to ensure you don't miss any important information, take moment now to subscribe to our updates.  In the top box of the sidebar, type your email address in the box right below the heading, "Subscribe to Wild Adventures Here!"

A new window will open that looks like this:

Type the confirmation code in the box and click, "Complete Subscription Request."  Afterwards, this window will open.  

This box explains that you will receive an email from "Feedburner Email Subscriptions".  Your subscription is not complete until you open this email and click on the link within the body of the message.  

After you've clicked on this link, you will be taken to this page:

Congratulations!  NOW you will begin receiving all updates made to this blog emailed directly to you!


  1. Thank you for posting all of the upcoming dates on your blog! As a mom who likes to plan ahead it will help. Joey enjoyed the first day of your wild adventure together - especially reading the Book of the Month!
    -Karen Morris (Joey's mom)

  2. Very helpful, thank you for the step by step instuctions

  3. All set! Easy Peasy! Heather J, (Sam's Mom)


Thanks for reading our post today. We love to read your comments! Remember, only include your first name in the comment to keep us all safe. It's a jungle out there!