
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sensory Safari

Our adventurers thoroughly enjoyed our incredible "WOW" school opening last week! Over the course of three days, students visited six different thematic environments (Africa, Europe, North America, Cats, Florida, and Birds) to view and explore a plethora of taxidermied animals in order to learn about their structural and behavior adaptations, instincts, roles in various food chains and webs, and more! Enjoy the slideshow of pictures which highlight some of the incredible animals that we saw on our adventures! Here is the Sensory Safari on PhotoPeach Students, leave a comment to share your favorite aspect (and why) of our Sensory Safari Adventure. Sign your post with your first name only!


  1. Loved seeing the pics. They had so much fun!

  2. That was superb!I just hoped after I did the duck call that ducks wouldnt come and attack me!But to be honest,1 reason I voulentered was to give a call to Donald Duck!

    ~JOSEY R.

  3. Thanks for sharing these pictures! Looks like a lot of fun was had by all.


Thanks for reading our post today. We love to read your comments! Remember, only include your first name in the comment to keep us all safe. It's a jungle out there!